This section is from "Every Woman's Encyclopaedia". Also available from Amazon: Every Woman's Encyclopaedia. By E. D. Farrar, breeder and Exhibitor
"The Little Skipper "-His origin-points and appearance -character-treatment-cost
The use of a nickname among dogs, as among humans, often betokens an affectionate, but not contemptuous, familiarity. The lively subject of this article has more than one such-" the Bargee," "the Manx dog," "the Little Skipper."
The first is derived from the fact that in his native country he is the valued guardian of the canal boats; the second is due to the popular idea that he is born tailless; and the third is the literal translation of his Flemish name, now formally recognised as the name of his breed. By the way, the "sch" should be pronounced as it is in " school." He has yet another designation, and a most apt one, bestowed upon him by one of his earliest friends and breeders in this country, Mr. E. B. Joachim, which is "the Paul Pry of canine society " As Mr. Kipling would say, he is devoured by a "most 'satiable curtiosity." Nobody and nothing can escape his notice.
The history of the Schipperke is of most respectable antiquity, for in Flanders pedigrees can be traced of pure-bred dogs for more than a century. In this country he dates from about 1888. Champions Fritz of Spa, Shtoots, and Dreiske were some of the heroes of old time-dog generations, alas, are even shorter than human. A specialist club, the Schipperke Club (England ), was formed in 1890 to guard his interests, and in 1894 there arose also the St. Hubert Schipperke Club, named after Mr. Krehl's imported dog, St. Hubert, from whom great things were hoped, though without entire success . Brussels also started a club in 1888, and the points adopted by it and the St. Hubert Club are practically identical with those of the Schipperke Club (England). In 1905, a third, the Northern Schipperke Club, was founded.
The general appearance of a good Schipperke
20l6 should be that of a lively, intelligent, and exceedingly alert little dog, sharp in expression , and agile and nimble in movement. In spite of applications to the contrary, the only colour recognised by the club standard is black, though cream , blue, red, fawn, sable, and chocolate are not unusual. The black should be pure in colour, though when the dog is changing his coat he has a rusty or brown tinge. The coat, a most important point , should be abundant, dense, and hard, though not of the pin-wire or
Mrs. Crosfield s Schipperke Champion Esme of Greta, a famous prize 'winner, and an excellent specimen of the breed
Photos, Sport and General cocoanut-fibre texture of the Scottie. On cars, legs, and head it is smooth, lies close on the back and sides, and forms a typical mane round the neck and a feathering on the back of the thighs called the " culotte" or "breeching."
Many specimens are born tailless, the rest should be docked, and much depends upon a careful dock. The cruel " carving or gouging out" of tails is now forbidden, and would disqualify if practised. A good dock leaves the quarters properly rounded.
The head is broad rather than round, foxy in type, with a fine but not weak muzzle, little stop, and nicely filled in under the eyes. The nose is small and black; the eye dark, small, somewhat oval in shape, and full of keenness.
The ears should be stiffly erect, small, and strong.
The teeth should be strong and quite level.
The neck should be full and powerful, somewhat short and slightly arched, the shoulders sloping and muscular, and the chest deep and broad. The body should be short, with powerful loins and thighs, straight legs of fine, not coarse, bone, and small, catlike feet, well knuckled up, so that the dog stands on his toes.
A good specimen should weigh about 12 lb., though the Belgian standard allows for heavier animals. A typical "Schip" is better for being small.
The Schipperke is an excellent watchdog, a faithful guard, who does not easily make friends with total strangers. He is not a fighter, though he will fight if what he guards is attacked, and he is absolutely trustworthy with children. He also possesses good points as a vermin dog, being especially a keen ratter. Taken all round, he is a most quaint and engaging companion, and, though affectionate, one who attaches himself to a particular person. To a genuine dog-lover, his leading characteristic is one that renders him specially attractive - I mean , of course, his in-quisitiveness. He is never dull or bored, and sees to it, as a rule, that his human friends are not so, either.
Schipperkes are hardy little dogs, and need no special diet or care. They are not toys, and are quite ruined if so treated. They require regular and sensible feeding , meat being always part of their dietary; and a certain amount of exercise, though the Schipperke remains to be born who does not take a vast deal of this last on his own account! Their coats need no other care than a daily brushing and combing with the usual dog appliances -a hound-glove will give a fine finishing touch, if desired. Bathing will seldom be necessary, if the daily toilet is attended to, for they are clean little dogs. Under any reasonable conditions, and in most climates, the breed flourishes, and is but little trouble.
The price of a good puppy is about that of any other well-bred small terrier. The little ones are not difficult to rear, and are teachable. Show specimens cost, of course, sums varying according to their successes, A typical Schipperke. showing the chief points of head and body formation desired by the breeder probable or assured, in the ring, and should be sought in accredited kennels. Some owners of well-known kennels are Mrs. Deane Willis, Mrs. Applebee, Mrs Crosfield, Mrs. Grace, and Mrs. Preston Gardner, to mention but a few lovers of the breed.
I could find very little reference about the chocolate schipperke , just a few mentions about chocolate Schipperkes being more common in Holland. There is a reference from the Kennel and Bench Magazine, 1927.
I"The Little Skipper"
By Isabel Ormiston Quote { The Dutch have at times attempted to claim the Schipperke as a native of their country, but in the two summers (1924-1925) I spent abroad looking for good Schipperkes, and looking up their history, I was fully convinced that the dog is Belgian and that Holland has no claim to originating any but the brown Schipperkes} Schipperke-Part-2.html#ixzz21pTuV7YhAnother referance about the brown schipAnother referance from 1894 to schipperkes for color is from
This section is from the book "Dog Shows And Doggy People", by Charles H. Lane. Also available from Amazon: Dog Shows And Doggy People.
All of my readers who take an interest in the quaint little Schipperkes will know the subject of this sketch as a successful breeder and exhibitor of the variety.
This kennel, in which so many distinguished specimens have their home, commenced some three years since with Cautsfield Nipper, a little brown bitch, which has since bred a great number of winners at the leading shows all over the kingdom. Some of the best-known inmates of the kennel have been Cautsfield Playmate, Cautsfield Coon, Cautsfield Woof, El Capitan, and Champion Prestwich Joe, and I am pleased to hear there are youngsters coming forward likely to uphold the reputation of the strain.
Mrs. Crosfield has not entirely confined her attention to one variety, having kept Newfoundlands and some sporting breeds, with which she has taken honours at some of the shows, amongst those exhibited being Champion Boodles, Esq., Cautsfield Velvet, and others; but I think her warmest affection is for Schipperkes, of whom the prime favourite is Champion Prestwich Joe, whose portrait appears in company with his mistress. I need nardly tell my readers that he is very typical, and has the excellent record of sixteen championships and many other prizes at shows all over the country.
Read more: the book "A History And Description Of The Modern Dogs Of Great Britain And Ireland. (Non-Sporting Division)", by Rawdon Briggs Lee.Quote from book :In Holland there is a dark fawn-coloured variety of the breed, but here nothing but black is acknowledged, though I consider those fawn in hue are by no means displeasing to the eye, and possess quite as much character as the blacks. The latter breed true to colour, and it is very unusual for one of any other hue to be produced from black parents, still this does occur at times,
Another referance I found refering to schipperkes of fawn color is out of and old bookpublished in 1903 This section is from the book "British Dogs, Their Points, Selection, And Show Preparation", by W. D. Drury.
Black is the only colour that is allowed in a Schipperke, and now and then one finds a queer-coloured puppy in a litter - a throwback to an ancestor in a country where other colours are common- or less often a pure white, or a black heavily marked with white. Puppies with a few white hairs are often met with, and though it handicaps, does not disqualify a dog. In puppies such white hairs are sometimes shed at the first moult and not again renewed.
Historical information on the Schipperke
In my search for historical information here is an excerpt on Canadian history from 1981 book The Schippere by Ewart Smith published by the Schipperke Club in England.
Kristen Henry
Bonchien Schipperkes
The Schipperke
Ewart Smith
1981 - Published by the Schipperke Club (England)
The Schipperke Abroad
Canada (contributed to by Fran Hoye)
In the early days of the breed in Canada there was a very significant contribution by English-bred stock. The first Schips to be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club, in 1908, were bred by J. and D. Cochran of Hamilton, Ontario. The first was Siestue Lass who was born in April 1904 and was sired by El Allwyn out of Lady Somerville, both parents it is claimed being of English stock. In 1908 William Parker exhibited an English-bred Schip at a show in Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1912 Mrs. J. C. Smith of Calgary, Alberta imported a dog from England, bred Schips for a number of years, and exhibited Schips at shows from Calgary, Alberta to Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 1913 Clare Lamplugh and William Lea, both of Vancouver, British Columbia, and Robert Fairclough of Fernie, British Columbia, imported dogs from England. The most important importations took place in May 1927 when Mrs. Ellen Brown of Toronto, Ontario, brought over, through an authorized agent, a dog (to become Canadian Champion) Roff O' the North, a bitch (to become Canadian Champion) Mirth O' the North, and a second bitch, Mystery of Winder. With these three she founded her Canadian kennel and assumed the prefix of "O' the North", being the most prestigious prefixes in England. Both bitches had been mated before leaving England but "Mystery" lost her litter en route. "Mirth" who had been mated to English Champion Jock O' the North, whelped on 1st July, 1929, producing two dogs and two bitches. One dog died, but the three surviving puppies, plus the other imports, formed the foundation stock of the "O' the North" (Canada) Kennels. During the next thirty years Mrs. Ellen Brown kept the breed before the public eye in Canada and in the United States, breeding in all more than fifty champions.
Now deceased, Mrs. Brown has been succeeded by a number of kennels which trace back their stock to the 1927 imports. In particular, 'Northern Echoes', owned by Miss Alma King but now largely inactive, 'Roetmop' owned by Marjorie Kuyt, and 'Fairlaur' - The kennels of Mrs. Fran Hoye. There are also a number of other, newer breeders whose stock derives from these three kennels.
The English influence in the past quarter century has been negligible. Undoubtedly there have been a few imports for pets, but it is a fact that no English-bred Schipperke has become a Canadian Champion during this period.
Their proximity to the United States has influenced the type of Schipperke being bred and shown in Canada, and while a few Canadian breeders have traveled to England to view the stock here, it has been felt that the differences are now too great to justify importations with a view to breeding with the existing Canadian stock. Concerning colour, the only accepted colour for schipperke in Canada is black. Coloureds were permitted for approximately a decade, but during that time no coloured attained the exalted title of champion.
Entries of Schipperke at Canadian shows are not large, four to six perhaps, but quality is consistently good, and 'placings' in the Non-Sporting Group at the larger shows is common place. Most shows in Canada take place back-to-back, i.e. two societies organize shows very close together at virtually the same time. Two sets of points, which count towards the making of a champion, thus become available, a necessary concession to exhibitors who have to travel long distances.
The Schipperke Club of Canada has been active since 1965 and does much to link the dozen or so breeders who are scattered over this vast country from Prince Edward Island in the Atlantic to Vancouver Island in the Pacific. The Club issues a Newsletter, organizes Booster Shows, and occasionally manages a Specialty Show exclusive to the breed.
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